Charlene’s journey into advocating for individuals with special needs began at a young age when her Uncle Mike, who had Down’s Syndrome, moved in with her family. Throughout middle school and high school, she dedicated her time to volunteering in a classroom that catered to the needs of individuals with special needs. This passion led her to pursue a degree in mild, moderate, and severe K-12 special education at Ohio University. Later, she pursued her Masters Degree at Ball State University, specializing in learning and emotionally disabled students. Additionally, she obtained her Special Education Administrative License from Butler University. For almost 40 years, Charlene has dedicated her career to serving these special individuals in the public school system.
However, she was plagued by the fact that her students had limited opportunities once they left the school system. She launched Charlene’s Angels to provide a vibrant, robust, and appropriate option for these special adults. The programming is designed to help address their intellectual or physical disabilities by promoting adaptive skill development to foster success in real-life situations; community integration to optimize their personal, social, & vocational competency; teach independent life skills to help clients navigate community assets with a biblical approach to life. Everyone of the Angels is on a developmental journey and we are asking that you join us to help advance dialogue and refine our approach to elevate the environment for our special adult population.
Charlene's Angels will be the provider of choice for adults with developmental disabilities and be recognized for its compassionate, innovative services and practices on a city, state, and national level.
"To provide a compassionate, personalized learning environment and instruction to encourage and empower extraordinary adults to unlock their potential and to realize an enriched quality of life."
"To develop and mature each "Angel" so that they might fulfill their purpose and achieve their highest degree of independence."
An awareness of, respect for, and attention to the diversity of the people with whom Charlene's Angels interacts (persons served, personnel, and other stakeholders) that are reflected in attitudes, organizational structures, policies, and service.
Charlene's Angel's program and curriculum is based on CARF's ASPIRE TO EXCELLENCE model and uses the CARF standards as a guide to ensure continuous quality improvement.
Awarded a three-year CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities and from the Bureau of Disabilities Services (BDS)